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3B Health Gallery

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Happy Stories

Creating best Medical Experience for our patients! More than 5 years...
I chose 3B Health Clinics for dental treatment in Turkey. I was very satisfied. I would like to thank this team who acted like a family and friend and helped me throughout the whole process.
Robert Jeremy
You wouldn't be able to recognize me if you saw me before I had my teeth done. After getting my teeth done, I became someone else. The result is magnificent... They welcomed me from the airport with a private vehicle and were with me throughout the whole process.
Drip London
Have visited 3B Health several times. My adventure that started with my breast surgery was very good. The service, quality and doctors are very successful so I travel from London whenever I need it.
Michaela London
Learned about 3B Health from my colleagues and they always helped me throughout the process. They were always like a friend. I recommend it to everyone. I traveled to get my teeth done. The result was very successful and I am very satisfied.
Remi Renzel

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+(90) 554 585 24 97
+(90) 544 212 92 42



@3bhealth @3bhealthdentalcare


Bulvar 216 Mall Smart Office Istanbul/Turkey

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